The Heinlein ForumWelcome to the Heinlein Forum!

What is the Heinlein Forum?

The Heinlein Forum takes its name in homage to Robert Anson Heinlein, the first Grandmaster of Science Fiction. Heinlein brought forth a great many themes in his writing, not the least of which was "Specialization is for Insects". As a result, you'll find everything from politics to entertainment to personal lives discussed on the Forum's newsgroup. Nothing is "off-topic". We'll gladly discuss RAH's work, too, but if you're the type that only wants to talk about RAH you'll probably get annoyed quickly by the Forum. :) Try one of the other newsgroups listed below for that kind of discussion--you'll probably recognize a few Forum names there, too, after awhile.

The HF was formed, as near as anyone can remember, in the Fall of 1991 on the Prodigy service's Arts Club Bulletin Board. At its peak it had around 50 active posters (with many occasional posters) and expanded to similar groups on AOL and GEnie. We spent a happy time on SFF Net's usenet server as sff.discuss.heinlein-forum.  However, the present and future of the Heinlein Forum is on the Internet, aligned with the Heinlein Society but gravitating wherever Heinlein fans converse!

While the HF has been very "low-traffic" at times, its members take the idea of Paying it Forward to heart. Our cobbers donate blood, books, and their time in the same spirit that Robert Heinlein espoused.

We are proud to be recognized as the oldest continuously-organized online group of Heinlein fans and recognized as a formal gathering spot for members of The Heinlein Society.

Why have such a group?

We've found through experience that people who like Heinlein tend to be the kind of people we want to hang out with. People who like Heinlein usually can talk about a range of subjects intelligently. Believe it or not, it can be tough to find folks like that. If that sounds like you, check us out! And if you haven't read Heinlein, pick up one of his books--you may very well be pleasantly surprised. A list of RAH's books can be found in Jim Gifford's external Heinlein FAQ.

Our largest discussion area is actually currently on Facebook.  Look for the group "Heinlein Forum" once you have a Facebook account, or you can use this link to find it and create an account if necessary.

The group has its own FAQ that should probably be revised for the way people are currently using web forums and Facebook. Suggestions for the FAQ are welcome via the Page Maintainer link at the bottom of this page.

If you're looking for a good read, check out the back issues of The Galactic Citizen. TGC was a quality print magazine devoted to short speculative fiction and non-fiction articles of interest to Heinlein-minded individuals.

Older Pictures of Heinlein Forum 'Gatherings'

Newer Photo Gallery (Heinlein Centennial Onward)

Picture of RAH's bomb shelter:
This picture was taken by Bruce Pelz, August 1963. Pictured is Ted Johnstone. Our thanks to Bruce for locating the picture, scanning it in, and giving permission to post it here. Apparently Bruce & Co., when staying with the Heinleins, spent the night in the shelter.

The Starship Troopers Symposium Article

An opinion piece preserved here on the HF, because no one else has.

Newsgroup & Newsletter Archives

The posting archives are located here. Our thanks to Robert & Karen Cottrell for the years they hosted the archives.

Older Heinlein-Related Discussion Links on the Internet

SFF Net:

Browse the older postings of sff.people.robert-a-heinlein group for serious discussion that directly relates to Heinlein's work.

Usenet at large:

Browse the group. (This link will only work if your default news server carries this newsgroup.)
If you want to read through a web browser, try this link to a.f.h.

Fan Sites:

Waternest (a LiveJournal site)

Illustrated Heinlein

Quotable Heinlein


Robert A. Heinlein, Dean of SF Writers:

Legacy and Scholarly Sites:

Heinlein Nexus--a newer group devoted to Heinlein research and community that is now aligned with the Heinlein Society.

The Heinlein Society--consider 'paying it forward' by joining this officially-sanctioned organization dedicated to honoring RAH and his work.

site:RAH Archives The suggested starting point at Jim Gifford's excellent site.

The Heinlein Journal-- devoted to scholarly discussion of Heinlein's life and works, edited by Bill Patterson, RAH's official biographer.

UC Santa Cruz: Heinlein Papers

Heinlein Archives Online

Heinlein Prize Trust

Heinlein Centennial (Not -strictly- a scholarly site, but it was an event to remember. HF Cobbers were there!)

A request from the Page Maintainer:

What makes a site interesting is the quality of its links and the original material available from it. You, the members of the Heinlein Forum, need to do your part to make this site a good resource. Please contribute your links and HF-related items to j t at heinleinsociety (dotorg)!

TANSTAAFL: Without our past Patrons of Free Speech, this site or the newsgroup would not have been possible!

This page was last modified December 23, 2023 by JusTin.